Watching videos problems? Here are some reasons...

Videos are provided in several different formats i.e. MP4, FLV, SWF, AVI etc.
It can happen that some videos are playing while others have no sound or
even won't open or many other problems.

Very often the reason is that your video player requires special codec files
for running those videos.

Solution #1:
You can check the file extension of your video which isn#t running and then
go to Google and type in a search phrase like "FILE-EXTENSION codec download"
so for the example of a MP4 file the search phrase would look like "MP4 codec download"
Then most of the time you'll find the correct download links for updating your video player
in the first few search results.

Solution #2:
There is a free video player available called FLV player which runs nearly all file extensions
without any problems. You can download it at

If I find more reasons for videos not playing correctly in the future I will add them to this article.

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