Cluster Video Sites: Videos not showing up

It may happen that you install any of the Cluster Video sites and the videos are not showing up.

The reason is that some hosting companies have strong security settings for their servers and

set limits for running php based scripts and websites.

Below is a solution which worked for several of my customers so I recommend to try it before you open a ticket:

1. Download the following phpini.txt file by right clicking the link and save it to your PC here
2. Download the following htaccess .txt file by right clicking the link and save it to your PC here

3. Open the phpini.txt file in any text editor, save it with the file name php.ini a nd upload it to the main folder where you installed the Cluster site

4. Open the htaccess.txt fi le in an ytext editor and add the following code below the code which already exists:

suPHP_ConfigPath /home/account/public_html/install-folder-name

order allow,deny
deny f rom all

Note: Before you save the file you have to replace the

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